Bodmas goes Jakob

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the new Bodmas design is borrowed from Jakob Nielsen’s personal site at “”:

Nielsen’s site has not had a major redesign since I have been reading it – must be 6 years or so now – and the fact remains that you can *find things quickly*, make use of the *search easily from any page* in the site, and the text is readable even if the presentation is austere.

Couple this readability with *easy authoring* from any Web browser using the WordPress engine and the result has to be an easy way of keeping a home page up to date. I tend to blog things I find when searching for material for students and colleages so each post is short. Being able to add things from any computer in a little corner of time helps keep me writing and adding to this site.

Nielsen’s page is retro in flavour and has a ‘no-nonsense’ look to it, I must admit it does make a change from very small sans-serif text set in white with a wide line spacing on a grey background.

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