Core Numeracy N1/L1.1

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Skills, knowledge and understanding Quizzes
Adults should be taught to:
Read, write, order and compare numbers, including large numbers
  • understand that the position of a digit signifies its value
  • know what each digit represents in a number up to seven digits, including the use of zero as a place holder
  • understand the symbols for greater than, less than
File plans in numerical order
Read routes on delivery labels
Recognise numbers in words
Place countries in order by population figures from an atlas*
Do puzzles based on digit values
Do puzzles based on the symbols > and <

Quizzes open in a new window - close the window to return to this page
Quizzes marked with * need MS Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 6 or later to work

Keith Burnett: Last modified 17th July