Core Numeracy N1/L1.3

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Skills, knowledge and understanding Quizzes
Add, subtract, multiply and divide using efficient written methods 

These quizzes are designed to encourage mental arithmetic skills and short cuts rather than full scale 'paper and pencil' calculations - so they might fit N1/L1.5 better. These are 5 minutes each type activities. The 'mixed quiz' is more demanding and students will want paper and pencil.

No IT room available? Try the matching quizzes on a projector and get some discussion going about how to 'cheat' by estimating sizes.....

Use written methods to generate results when solving problems using whole numbers.

Adding match * | Subtracting match * | Multiplying match * | Dividing match * | Mixed quiz |

Quizzes open in a new window - close the window to return to this page
Quizzes marked with * need MS Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 6 or later to work

Keith Burnett: Last modified 17th July