bodmas data handling

data handling page

Below is a list of all the pages in the data handling category. You can read the title and first few words of the page page to see if it matches your needs. You can go to the page by clicking on the link. If you can't find anything here, use the search function to search the whole site as sometimes resources can be included in one category but still might be relevant to other categories.

Handout: doing scatter diagrams in Excel
You can download a detailed 5 page handout with screen grabs to show students how to present data in a scatter diagram using Excel. I have used this handout with several groups of students including through a VLE. They will need a suitable data set to type in. My...
Using Excel to interpret charts
Set up a simple Excel spreadsheet with a table of data and an embedded chart. Project the spreadsheet and ask students to describe the chart in words. Encourage use of comparisons of bars using ratio and percentages. I differentiate level by directed questioning and changing the data in the...


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