bodmas number

number page

Below is a list of all the pages in the number category. You can read the title and first few words of the page page to see if it matches your needs. You can go to the page by clicking on the link. If you can't find anything here, use the search function to search the whole site as sometimes resources can be included in one category but still might be relevant to other categories.

Bank account arithmetic
Adult students know about overdrafts and credit balances. We all know that strange condition where having £0 is actually an achievement. Use this to teach directed numbers to adult students......
Using the 'fractions wall' with health and care students
This page describes an attempt to put some numeracy over to a group of students with a strongly felt vocational group identity. The young people on this course see themselves as care professionals. They all have work placements, most often in playgroups or nurseries, environments where display work is...
Percentages with a calculator
There are three kinds of percentage calculation. You can download a one sided handout with examples of each of the three kinds of percentage calculation and practice calculations with answers. The handout is available in A4 (Small print) and A3 (12 point) sizes. This lesson usually goes well with...
Place value demonstration spreadsheet
The decimal point does not move! You can download an Excel spreadsheet designed to explore place notation and allow students to see the effect of adding various powers of ten to a number. You can also visit an external site and download some of Liz Philip's PowerPoints on decimal...
BODMAS as a first lesson
3 + 2 * 4 = 20 Most people agree with this statement although a few will say the answer is 11. I teach the convention of sequence of operations early in maths courses above level 1 (GCSE Intermediate and Access courses) as a lead into algebra. I use...


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