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This short (nominal 21 hour) course is designed for 'blended learning' delivery. The course ran successfully with 9 students, but was not offered again due to changes in my job role.

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Web server applications

This Web site supports the Web Server Applications course starting 1st Feb 2003.
The Tools

Forum : Get help from the whole group. This will be up and running by Thursday 6th Feb. The forum uses the same software we are installing in Activity 7.

WS FTP LE : Download the free version of a solid file transfer program. You need an FTP client to be able to change the file permissions on Unix based servers using the notorious CHMOD command (see Week 3).

WinZip: The best ZIP file program going. Bill ought to buy the company and put it in the next version of Windows. One day, I'll even register my copy :-)

Textpad: Notepad on steroids. Can save 'template' code away for later re-use and will highlight your tags in different colours - generally ace. Costs money to register but the evaluation version will get you through this course.

The Sessions
Week 1  Face to face session at itworks in Colmore Row. Some stuff on Paths and URLs and HTML in 15 minutes, followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2.

Week 2 : Online Activity 3: download, configure, upload and test your own Mail Form script.

Week 3 :Online Activities 4, 5 and 6. Choose your own CGI script from a list of tested and (relatively) secure scripts. Download, configure, upload and test your script, then tell everyone else about it!

Week 4 :Face to face session at itworks Activity 7: download, configure, upload, test and administer an online forum. This is a biggish Web server application and quite apart from getting the thing working you also need to practice and reflect on administering the system. Online communities are big business and an important part of the Web.

Week 5: Online activity 8 based around php scripting - php and the associated relational database mysql have made inroads recently in Web server applications. This session gives you a flavour of what this is about by uploading a simple 'test' file to list the version of php found on your Web server, and then uploading and configuring a simple site editor script.

Week 6: Face to face session at itworks: The Microsoft Way. Activity 9 looks at using simple ASP scripts on a range of Web server platforms. There will also be a demonstration of installing the Personal Web Server so you can test and develop ASP systems offline on your own computer. Hosted by Gary Hamilton.

Week 7: Online Activity 10: Copy and paste bits of page into a Word template to compile an 'electronic portfolio'. Evaluate the course and think about what you might want to do next.

Last modified: 2nd Feb 03